Paypal Financing Overivew
Paypal Financing is offered across several e-commerce sites internationally allowing customers to buy products and pay for them at a later point. Depending on the territory, this can mean scheduled monthly payment agreements or simply deferred payment options. The Paypal financing overview feature was incorporated into Native Instruments online store to provides context-specific Paypal financing information. It helps users to quickly understand the Paypal financing options available, how the costs breakdown, how to avail of them and what to expect.
Paypal Credit was integrated into the Native Instrument online store before I joined the team to allow people to buy instruments but pay for them later or over a longer period. Though the feature was working, it was not obvious until the last step in the checkout process. As a result, few customers knew about it and so adoption was low. My role was to make this feature more visible to help increase adoption and potentially improve sales conversion.
As this was an e-commerce topic with various online tools available to feed into the design process and the comparatively lower cost of web development, I decided to take a lean UX approach here.
Based on an analysis of existing data (e.g. shop figures, Hotjar recordings, competitor analysis), we created some assumptions about the benefits of improving the visibility of Paypal Financing options and then defined some success metrics. The goal was then to design a simple MVP that could be released to a portion of the traffic and effectiveness of any design solutions tested against these various success metrics.
I researched various e-commerce sites and watched hotjar recordings to better understand the problem and assess current third-party solutions and best practices.
From there I began ideating concepts which were refined and developed with dev team colleagues into an MVP which we built and released.
Create Assumtions
Design MVP
Release MVP